Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Woodrow Wilson Fights for Peace

Chapter 19-4 (pg 604)
1. What was Wilson's 14th Point?
Creation of an international orginization to address diplomatic crises like those that had sparked the war.

2. What terms of the treaty specifically affected Germany?
Establishing the 9 new nations.

3. What were the weaknesses of the treaty?
It contained war-guilt clause which forced Germany to admit that they had started the war, There was no way that Germany could pay the huge financial reparations, and it ignored claims of colonized people for self-determination.

4. Why did Henry Cabot Lodge object to the treaty?
He was suspicious of the provision for joint economic and military action against aggression.

5. How did Wilson help bring about the Senate's rejection of the treaty?
He went on an 8,000 mile tour and gave 34 speeches in 3 weeks explaining why the U.S. should join the league of nations.

6. What circumstances at this time would eventually lead many Germans to support Adolf

7. Who is George Clemenceau?
The French premier who had lived through 2 German invasions of France and was determined to prevent future invasions.

8. Who is David Lloyd George?
The British prime minister.

9. Describe the participation of Russia at the peace conference.

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