Sunday, February 28, 2010

"Isolationism" and FDR (1935 - 1941)

Read pages 13-26 in U.S. Isolationism - Part II and answer the following questions.

1. What were the goals of the isolationists? Why is "isolationism" a misleading term?

The American public felt as though they should isolate itself from all further war and foreign policy. Isolationism is a misleading term because most supporters favored international trade and certain bilateral agreements in the 1930s and also respected the international laws that had been put in place since World War I.

2. What did some isolationists feel that there was no need for Americans to feel threatened by developments in Europe and Asia?

3. What were the purposes of the Nye Committee hearings?

To investigate the reasons why the U.S. had entered World War I.

4. List two impressions that the Nye Committee hearings created.

American soldiers had died in WWI because corporations looking to turn a profit had convinced President Wilson in 1917 to go to war.

5. What were the purposes of the Neutrality Acts?

6. List two reasons that some Americans considered Roosevelt's leadership radical and dangerous.

They worried about an intrusive government and an overly powerful presidency.

7. What was "Cash and Carry"?

8. Why did President Roosevelt freeze Japanese assets in the United States?

9. What was the purpose of the America First Committee?

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