Sunday, September 20, 2009

Labor Unions & Big Business

Worker Activism in the Industrial Age, 1877–1900

Directions: Using your textbook readings and the additional reading supplied on the pdf file, Labor Unions, fill in the requested information about the three major strikes.

Haymarket Riot (1866) Railroad Strikes (1877) Pullman Strike (1893)
Immediate Cause(s) a worker had been killed and several others had been hurt the previous day
second wage cut in two months
Wages made lower and rent wasn't changed.
Unions and Union Leaders Involved Radical Anarchists and craft unions
ARU (American Railway Union) Eugene Debs
Workers’ Demands protesting police brutality, wanted voluntary cooperation to to replace all government
restore wages and decrease rents
Workers’ Tactics mass strikes, one bomb went off at Haymarket Square.
strike agains products, Debs wouldnt use pullman cars
Employers’ Reactions

sent a committee to Pullman to protest his policies. Went on strike
Government Involvement (State or Federal) chicago police mobilized to prevent disorder. Anarchists were tried in court. Upheld Granger laws
United states Attorney General Richard Olney,President Grover Cleveland sent troops to Chicago,ostensibly to protect the mails but in reality to crush the strike
Public Reaction and Its Causes revived middle-class fear of radicalism and drew attention to the discontent of laborers.
Within a month strikers gave in
Outcome Mass arrests of anarchists and unionists, including the conviction of 8 anarchists for the bombing although evidence was questionable. the president interfered and federal troops ended the strike
Debs was jailed, Pullman fired most of the stirkers, and the railroads backlisted many others so that they could no longer get railroad jobs.

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