Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Westward Expansion Questions

1. What are some of the main reasons that the federal government's policy of assimilation failed?

The policy of assimilation might have failed because of the promise that didnt happen when they told the Native Americans that they wouls give 160 acres to each head of household and 80 acres to each unmarried adult,and they also didnt give them their money from the sale of the land. Also the tourists and fur traders would shoot buffalo as a sport and were messing up the Indians' main supply for most of their everyday items.

Think About:

Native Americans' way of life
Cultural differences
Attitude of whites toward Native Americans
Government promises

2. How successful were government efforts to promote settlement of the Great Plains? Give examples to support your answer.

I think that they were pretty successful because as soon as they made the railroad tracks,it brought in a bunch of people for example, in Nebraska there was 44 percent of immigrants and more than 70 in Minnesota and Wisconsin.

Think about:

The growth in population on the Great Plains
The role of railroads in the economy
The Homestead Act

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